Daniel Nicoletti

Brazil, São Paulo http://dantti.wordpress.com 60 Posts

Cutelyst 2.11 and SimpleMail 2.1 released and a fork called Cutelee

Cutelyst the web framework based on Qt and SimpleMail the SMTP library got another update.

The current scenario has made me a lot less productive, after all 4 kids at home all the time it's really hard to concentrate. Still many fixes and a few features have landed both.

Simple mail had issues building on Windows, and also got some docs fixes.

Cutelyst got some Session parameters available on config, an WebSocket improvement to avoid setting a null body to skip RenderView processing, and a new view called Cutelee.

This year I got a big project, one that is pushing scalability on Cutelyst further, but it also requires that things progresses faster, and this means Grantlee was starting to become an issue. A while ago it's maintainer proposed to move it's code to KDE, got my hopes high, but that got postponed to Qt6, I couldn't wait for that and I also had an years old Pull Request waiting there, making in fact Cutelyst pages less safer as an escaping code wasn't escaping one special character. A Cutelyst contributor also had patches pending there, I tried my best to avoid this, the author is a great programmer, did an awesome job but we needed something that can move a little faster.

Cutelee was born, and already have many commits, it also got some performance improvements, like not converting QDate(Time) to an string and converting back to use the :date "yy/dd" formater, another important change was that it can inject filters without the hassle of creating a Qt Plugin, putting it into the right and error prone directory hierarchy, %with% tag also supports the new Django syntax, and I hope we can keep improving it at a faster rate.

I didn't do a new release of it yet, as some installation issues raised at Grantlee weren't fixed yet on Cutelee.

Have fun




Cutelyst 2.10.0 and SimpleMail v2 released!

Cutelyst the C++/Qt Web framework and SimpleMailQt just got new releases.

Cutelyst received many important bugfixes and if you are compiling it with View::Email it also requires SimpleMail 2, the latter got an Async API which is on production for a few months, allowing for a non-blocking send mail experience.

Check them out!



SimpleMailQt v2.0.0-beta1

On my last post I talked about the new async simplemail-qt API that I wanted to add, yesterday I finished the work required to have that.  

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) as the name says it's a very simple but strict protocol, you send a command and MUST wait for the reply, which is rather inefficient but it's the way it is, having it async means I don't need an extra thread (+some locking) just to send an email, no more GUI freezes or an HTTP server that is stalled.  

The new Server class has a state machine that knows what reply we are waiting, and which status code is the successful one. Modern SMTP servers have PIPELING support, but it's rather different from HTTP PIPELING, because you still have to wait for several commands before you send another command, in fact it only allows you to send the FROM the RECIPIENTS email list and DATA commands at once, parse each reply and then send the mail data, if you send the email data before you are allowed by the DATA command the server will just close the connection.  

So in short we only save a few (but important) round trips, this new version also includes support for the RESET command, this is useful for example when you have a long list of emails, and some of them have malformed RECIPIENTS email, you will get an error for the command but instead of closing the connections and start the long SMTP handshake you just RESET and try to send the next email.  

Cutelyst master is already using this new class if you set ViewEmail::setAsync(true);. With that set you won't get the SMTP mail queued reply but will still be able to process more HTTP requests while waiting for the SMTP reply.  

I plan to do a 2.0.0 stable release in the following weeks so if you use this library please test and suggest API changes that you may like.  

Have fun!  


Cutelyst 2.9.0 and simple-mail-qt 1.4.0 released!

Today I'm rolling out two releases, Cutelyst, which is a Qt Web Framework and SimpleMailQt which is a SMTP client library.

Cutelyst has got many bug fixes, a few API additions, some docs fixes, and most importantly it fixed a memory leak introduced in 2.8.0 that makes applications using chained actions leak.

I was planning for a v3 due some changes I was planning but changed my mind and I think the current version can be kept for a little longer, my current plan is to add SNI support for the WSGI module so that a sort of Virtual Hosts is possiblem.

The ideia for Virtual Hosts is that you can get rid of Nginx (or any front end server) if you want and can, the front servers are great, but they do a work that could be avoided. When a request arives the server it has to parse, identify to which application it has to redispatch and create a new request (in HTTP/FastCGI/whatever), on single core servers the OS will put it to sleep, wake cutelyst, which then parses the request again, creates a reply, which is then parsed by the front and recreated for the client.

Of course they are fast and all, but surely if it could be avoided would be great, on an IPv6 only world I'd just put a different IP for each application and be done, but not the reality now do I'll try to see if a new Cutelyst application could load all your applications in a single process. It's just an idea atm.

SimpleMailQt also got quite a few bug fixes, most importantly it got it's CMake modernized so it builds fine on Windows now.

For those that don't know SimpleMailQt, it was based on a SmptClientForQt with a port to CMake and many API changes to be more Qt style. But it's a blocking library which also doesn't do pipelining, so for v2 I'll be creating a new async engine that will be async and do pipelining if the server supports.

Have fun:

https://github.com/cutelyst/cutelyst/releases/tag/v2.9.0 https://github.com/cutelyst/simple-mail/releases/tag/v1.4.0

Cutelyst 2.8.0 released

Cutelyst a Qt/C++ Web framework got a new release!

This release took a while to be out because I wanted to fix some important stuff, but time is short, I've been working on polishing my UPnpQt library and on a yet to be released FirebaseQt and FirebaseQtAdmin (that's been used on a mobile app and REST/WebApp used with Cutelyst), the latter is working quite well although it depends ATM on a Python script to get the Google token, luckly it's a temporary waste of 25MB of RAM each 45 minutes.

Back to the release, thanks to Alexander Yudaev it has cpack support now and 顏子鳴 also fixed some bugs and added a deflate feature to RenderView, FastCGI and H2.

I'm also very happy we now have more than 500 stars on GitHub :)

Have fun https://github.com/cutelyst/cutelyst/releases/tag/v2.8.0